Last updated July 2nd, 2023

Privacy Policy

App Analytics

We use App Store Connect, Google Firebase, and RevenueCat to help improve the app. Each provides us with anonymised and generic usage and/or transaction data that we use to inform our product decisions and understand how people are using NewGame+.

What Personal Information we collect about you and how we collect it

When signing up for a NewGame+ account, your full name is provided to us by Apple and set to your NewGame+ account. If you choose to share your email address with us, this is also associated to your NewGame+ account. If you upload a Profile picture, this is stored on Google Firebase (any subsequent Profile pictures uploaded will overwrite the previous). These are the only pieces of personal information we store.

What rights do you, as the data subject, have

If you would like a copy of your personal data, or the deletion of your NewGame+ account, please contact us at

Changes to this policy

NewGame+ may, in its sole discretion, modify or update this Privacy Policy from time to time, and so you should review this page periodically. If we change our policy for any reason, we will update the ‘Last updated’ date at the top of this page.